Basketball horse game rules

At the start of the match, players decide the order in which they will shoot. Determining the order is usually done the same way as deciding who goes first. During the game, players alternate shooting following that order. If a player misses a shot, the person after them shoots from wherever they want on the court.

If a player makes a shot, the person after them must make the same exact shot. If they miss the shot then they will receive a letter, H for the first miss, O for the second, R for the third, and so on until the word HORSE is spelled.

In a three-person HORSE game, if there are two consecutive shots made, then player 3 must make that same shot or get a letter. In the other version, all players have to shoot the same shot that was made. Neither is considered the " official " way, although some people are more preferential to a particular version.

These are important rules that should be discussed before playing so everyone is on the same page. You can shoot from anywhere and a ball that bounces away is simply picked back up and play resumes. Creativity is encouraged in the game of HORSE, so long shots outside the traditional boundaries are allowed. When you're shooting you do not need to stick to basic jump shots. Trick shots are an excellent way to trip up your opponents and give you a better shot to win the game. Recreational HORSE games do not require a referee, as players can keep track of the score and determine who goes first on their own.

On the occasional instance where a ruling is needed, the players talk it out and make their own rulings. The number one strategy is to find your opponent's weakness. For example, if they aren't a good long range shooter, take more long range shots. If they struggle with a certain trick shot like one handed, keep doing those. If you have the chance to go first, you can dictate what happens in the game until you miss your first shot. Players looking for a shorter game will often play to P. Another set of differences within the game are the rules themselves.

It can be fun to make your own rules. Below are some examples of additional rules that can be added. There is no one set of official rules that one can follow from. This gives the possibility of a player getting two letters during one shot if they miss a shot made by the previous shooter. There are many other add-on rules that can be used such as if all players make the shot, the original shooter gets a letter. This helps prevent shooters from taking easy shots such as lay-ups.

The adaptations and modifications to the game are probably endless but that is part of what makes it such a great game. You can be creative and adapt the game to whatever suits you and the other players best.

HORSE is a great relaxing and fun basketball game that can often be used to show off your skills and be as creative as you want. All you really need to play the game is two or more players, a basketball and a hoop. Make sure to set the rules the way that works best for your group of players, then go out there and just have fun. What is the craziest trick shot you have ever made or seen? You can also tweak the rules to keep things interesting. We have seen HORSE games by high-level players that included dunks, but rules about physical limitations are imposed if a participant is not able to do so.

If dunking were permitted, that guy named Lavine would have won that competition hands down. Knowing that, it would serve your best interests to hone your shooting skills. It is also not a bad idea to practice layups and free throws with your off-hand. That skill should also translate seamlessly into a real basketball game. The No-Look. This shot is pretty much the ice-breaker when everyone is making shots.

The key is to take a good look at the rim and visualize when you look away from it. Or if you have the Michael Jordan swagger flowing through your veins, you can even practice shooting free throws with your eyes closed.

Take a seat on the floor and shoot it. This shot is a little bit difficult since it requires a lot of upper body and wrist strength. This is not your garden-variety trick shot, so it needs a lot of practice to perfect. The trick here is to get enough lift from your legs so the ball aimed from your back will have a chance to reach the hoop. Also, try to approximate if you can use the glass to your advantage.

Use the dribble. All the action before the actual attempt counts too. Go under the leg. One guy from YouTube did it, and while he made it look easy, this still needs a ton of practice. Practice, practice, and more practice!

Eventually there will be one player left in the game after everyone else has been eliminated. This person is the winner. Method 2. Take a no-look shot. If things are a bit too easy and no one is receiving letters, you can kick things up a notch by attempting some crazy shots. One of the best ways to start this off is with a no-look shot. Shoot while sitting down.

This shot is really difficult because you use your lower body to assist you when you shoot normally. This means that when sitting down, the only power you can get is from your arms. Perform a behind-the-back shot. This shot is fairly straightforward to attempt, but very difficult to succeed at. With one arm, wrap the ball around your back and flick it up towards the hoop.

Try shooting with the opposite hand. Most people favor one hand over the other and this trick shot tests your ability with your weaker hand. If the first player makes it and the second player makes it, whose turn is it to shoot next?

If there's a third player, he has to make the same shot. If there are only two players, the first player makes up a new challenge. Not Helpful 20 Helpful Feel free to use any word. The longer the word, the longer the game, obviously. Not Helpful 17 Helpful So you would not need to call the person who loses a horse, but feel free to! Not Helpful 24 Helpful Of course. If you notice that certain people can't complete a trick, you can do it over again to give yourself a competitive edge. Not Helpful 22 Helpful By all means, you can use a letter.

In horse, do I get to shoot from another place once the first player makes the basket? If the player makes the basket from the position you just made it from, then yes, you can shoot from another position. If the other player is the first one to make the basket, you must also make it from the same spot.

Not Helpful 7 Helpful What happens if the first player makes a shot and the second player misses. Does the third player have to make the same shot? Once someone has missed the shot, the next player gets to make up a new challenge.

Yes, because the point is to replicate the shot as closely as possible. Not Helpful 4 Helpful


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